Your support is important to us
The goal of our concert series is to enrich the community life of Cannon Beach and surrounding communities through the performance of live music. Our income is derived from member dues of $50 per concert season, revenue from ticket sales ($15 per adult), contributions, sponsorships and grants. Your support is important to us. Your contributions keep us singing and help us in many ways to:
• Expand our music library
• Purchase concert attire
• Collaborate with local high school choirs
• Award scholarships to local high school singers
• And, keep our dues at an affordable level
Donation opportunities
There are many ways you can support us. Becoming a Business Patron or Individual Patron is one way.
The Cannon Beach Chorus is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax deductible and you will receive a letter acknowledging your donation.
As a donor, your name will be displayed in our season concert programs and on our website.
Businesses donating $250 or more may submit their logo for our website.
Patron Membership Levels
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our generous donors, without whom we would not be able to buy new music, pay our music library storage rent, hire musicians, award scholarships, and keepour membership dues affordable.
Thank you for your support!
Individual Patrons
Neal Family Charitable Trust - in appreciation of Cannon Beach Together
Steve & Tena Seeborg
Susan Marie Hennessy - in memory of Denny Hennessy
Jennifer & Ian Bingham - in memory of Sarah Whitehead
Dennis Allwein
George Billings - in memory of Kathryn Billings
Susan Glarum & Darrell Clukey
Vince & Pamela Morrison
Joanna Read
William & Carolyn Schlippert - in memory of Dennis Hennessy
Garry & Janice Smith
In Kind Donations
Bald Eagle Coffee House, Cannon Beach
Colleen Schwindt
Mo’s Restaurant
Tolovana Park
Roy Seiber
Carol Baker
Sandra Wilder
Dr Dildora Beaulieu
Carole Whitlock